Strategic Priority

Summary of Strategic Priorities under the Foundations and Pillars of Building a Digital Economy and Society.

Digital Infrastructure

Developing infrastructures will focus on expanding the high-speed Internet network, setting up digital payment systems, and setting up logistics systems and last-mile delivery to support the digital socio-economic development process.

Digital Trustworthiness

Building reliability and confidence in the digital system focuses on building legal systems and raising awareness of digital security that will contribute to increasing reliability and confidence of relevant stakeholders, and encourage a wider participation in the digital socio-economic development process.

Digital Citizen

Maximize the benefits of digital economic and social transformation and increase competition with countries in the region through fostering digital leadership, a pool of digital talent, and digital citizens in both the public and private sectors, particularly penetrating the local community level.

Digital Government

Promote the reform agenda of the Royal Government by using technology and creating an inclusive environment​ through digital government and public services, the keys to boosting digital performance, and data-based governance.

Digital Business

Promote the digital adoption of enterprises at all levels and in all sectors through boosting the digital transformation of enterprises, creating the entrepreneurial and startup ecosystems, and enhancing the digital value chain.

Cambodia Digital Economy and Society Roadmap 2021-2035

PHASE 1: Building Digital Foundations and Digital Adoption.
  • Develop ICTs Infrastructure.
  • Design the institutional and legal framework as well as human resources.
PHASE 2: Digital Adoption and Digital Transformation.
  • Continuous human resource development and practices.
  • Modernize the state system and public services.
  • Strengthen regional and global cooperation.
PHASE 3: Digital Transformation.
  • Accelerate strong foundations, more capable human resources, and a more favorable ecosystem environment.
  • Stimulate a participatory digital society with high use of technology.

What We Do

Lead, coordinate and promote the development of infrastructure support for building and developing the digital economy, business, and society.
Develop policies, strategies, principles, and goals for building and developing the digital economy, business, and society at each stage.
Encourage and promote digital programs to the public.
Monitor and evaluate the implementation of laws and regulations, policies, strategies, principles, directions, programs, projects, and plans for building and developing digital economy, business, and society.
Organize and coordinate in amending laws and regulations that have implications for the development of the digital economy, business, and society.
Review and decide on building domestic and international partnerships and cooperation for building and developing the digital economy, business, and society.

Latest News And Events


"Digital Economy Forum 2025"

On the morning of 11 March, 2025, the General Secretariat of the Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC) sponsored by CBRD Fund organized “Digital Economy Forum...

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Workshop titled "Developing Cambodia’s Digital Economy Measurement Framework"

On January 23, 2025, the General Secretariat of Digital Economy and Business Committee in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), organized a workshop titled "Developing Cambodia’s Digital Economy...

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Digi Connect "Promoting the Adoption of Digital Solutions for Cambodia's Businesses

Phnom Penh: On Morning of 4 December, 2024, the General Secretariat of the Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC), supported by Federation of Associations for SMEs of Cambodia (FASMEC), Young Entrepreneurs...

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Laws and Regulations


Royal Decree

No. 564, dated 07 August 2021 on Organization and Function of Members of the National Council for Digital Economy and Society.



No. 220, dated 11 November 2021 on Organization and Function of DEBC



No. 100, dated 21 October 2021 on the Appointment of Members of the National Council for Digital Economy and Society.



No.269, dated 22 April 2022 on Organization and Function of DEBC Secretariat General


Royal Decree

No.180, dated 26 February 2022 on​ the Appointment of Deputy Secretary General of DEBC


Letter of Order

dated 23 August 2022 on the Division of Responsibilities to the Secretary General and Deputy Secretary General of the General Secretariat of the Digital Economy and Business Committee (DEBC)